Gram Negative Bacilli
Exam Yield
Probability of getting 1 Question from this chapter | 195% |
You are likely to get up to 2 questions asked from this chapter.
Its a vast chapter ( all Gram negative Bacilli), but the questions focus on basic aspects of common organisms.
Hence should be easy 8 marks to score from.
Question Pattern
The questions focus on
- Knowing the causative organisms for various diseases
- Characteristic Clinical features & Lab findings
- Incubation period & DOC
for the following organisms
- E Coli
- Salmonella
- Vibrio
- Hemophilus
- Brucella
- Pertusis
Make sure to read the causative organisms & vectors for Arthropod- borne diseases
Recent Questions
Questions on this chapter from recent NEET and AIIMS examinations have been about
- Scombroid fish poisoning – Cause
- Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)-induced diarrhea
- Mechanism of action of various bacterial toxins
- Legionnaires’ disease – Diagnosis
- Chemoprophylaxis in contacts of a patient with pneumonic plague
- Infective dose of Salmonella typhi
- Brucella species are oxidase positive except
- Burkholderia cepacia is resistant to
- Mechanism of action of various bacterial toxins
- Yersinosis
- Vibrio parahemolyticus – overview
- Organisms causing epiglottitis
- Diseases with usual incubation period
- Culture media used to differentiate E. coli O157:H7 from other E. coli
- Organisms produce urease
- Specific Culture Media for various organisms
- Features of amoebic and bacillary dysentery
- MC cause of traveler’s diarrhea
- Chronic airway infection in cystic fibrosis – organism
- Brazilian purpuric fever – organism
- Widal test
- Characteristic motility of microorganisms
- Melioidosis – Organism
- Arthropod- borne diseases – Overview
- Genital Ulcers – Characteristics of each type
- Lactose fermenter
- Kanagawa phenomenon is shown by
- HACEK group – organisms
- Differentiation between classical Cholera and El tor Vibrios
- Bipolar staining or safety pin appearance is shown by
- Clue cells
- Pertusis – Incubation period
- Satellitism
Suggested Revision
Revise the following areas
- Hemophilus – Microbiological features, clinical syndromes
- Vibrio Cholrea – Types, Investigations and Microbiological features, Pathogenesis
- Pseudomonas – Microbiological features
- Rat bite fever – Organism
- Plague – Types and common features
- Salmonella typhi – Overview
- Transport media for Vibrio cholerae
- Brucella – Unique features
- H Pylori – Investigations
- Non motile salmonellae
- Diene’s phenomenon
- E.coli – Microbiological features
- Pertusis – Salient features
- Cat scratch disease – Overview
- Bacteria and Oxygen Requirement
- Non-typhoidal Salmonellosis – Overview
- DOC for typhoid carrier
- Typhoral schedule
- E. Coli – Types, differentiation and the diseases they cause
- Pertusis Vaccine
- Cholera red reaction
- Bacillary angiomatosis – Overview
- Burkholderia mallei – Overview